Hifumi Qi-gong – The Unique Exercise invoking Dragon God


The Hifumi Norito is an ancient prayer associated with Shinto, Japan’s indigenous religion, and is believed to possess powerful spiritual energy. To understand this prayer, it’s crucial to consider it within the context of Shinto.

Shinto: Japan’s Indigenous Religion

Shinto is a unique Japanese religion characterized by:

  • Absense of a founder, central figure, or formal scriptures
  • Belief in numerous deities (YAOYOROZU NO KAMI: Eight millions of God)
  • Elements of nature worship and ancestor veneration
  • Emphasis on rituals, with shrines playing a central role

Shinto is deeply ingrained in Japanese daily life, influencing many customs such as New Year’s shirine visits, Shichi-Go-San celebrations, and wedding ceremonies.

The Hifumi Norito

Origin and History

The Hifumi Norito’s origin is often traced back to the Amanoiwato myth in Japanese mythology. It is said that Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto chanted this divine song when Amaterasu, the sun goddess, hid in a cave. Alternative theories suggest it was passed down through generations by the Abiru clan of Tsushima or adopted by the Hakke Shinto school.

Composition and Meaning

The Hifumi Norito consists of 47 or 48 pure Japanese sounds:

Hi fu mi yo i mu na ya ko to mo chi ro ra ne
(ひふみ よいむなや こともちろらね)
shi ki ru yu i tsu wa nu so wo ta ha ku me ka
(しきる ゆゐつわぬ そをたはくめか)
u o e ni sa ri he te no ma su a se e ho re ke (n)
(うおえ にさりへて のますあせゑほれけ(ん))

Its general interpretation includes:

  • All living beings receive life through divine grace
  • Daily life is blessed by the sun and moon deities
  • The gods remove people’s sufferings and protect from evil
  • Bountiful harvests and catches are bestowed
  • All people work with joy and without hunger
  • Gratitude for daily labor and life, and reverence for the gods

Effects and Usage

The Hifumi Norito is believed to:

  • Remove calamities and bring good fortune
  • Calm and expand the soul
  • Purity mind and body

It is recited repeatedly to achieves its effects and is considered Japan’s oldest and most powerful spiritual incantation.

Dragon God Belief in Japan

Dragon god(Ryujin: 龍神, りゅうじん) belief in Japan is a unique cultural and religious element with ancient roots.

Formation of Dragon God Belief

Japanese dragn god belief was formed by the fusion of:

  • Ancient snake deity worship from the Jomon period
  • Chinese dragon concepts introduced by the 3rd century
  • Buddhist influence, incorporating the concept of Naga(dragon king)

Characteristic and Roles of Dragon Gods

Japanese dragon gods are believed to:

  • Control water, bringing rain and protecting water sources
  • Symbolize natural forces, governing weather and ocean currents
  • Represent abundance and prosperity, protecting agriculture and fishing
  • Have connections with ancient royal authority

Features of Dragon God Belief

  • Fusion with snake deities
  • Regional variations based on local environments and cultures
  • Worship at both Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples
  • Special prayers like the Hifumi Norito and Dragon God Norito

Contemporary Dragon God Belief

Dragon god belief contines in modern Japan through:

  • Popularity of dragon god shrines as power spots
  • Expectations of benefits like business prosperity and financial luck
  • Depictions in media such as anime and movies

Hifumi Qigong: An Exercise to Invoke the Dragon God

An exercise has been created that combines writing the Hifumi Norito with Tai Chi-like movements. This exercise involves:

  • Continuous, slow movements inspired by the circular and spiral motions of dragon gods
  • Focusing on reciting the Hifumi Norito while strenghtening legs and using all body joints
  • Writing with the right hand normally and with the left hand in mirror writing

For those seeking to improve physical and mental health, it’s recommended to gradually reduce carbohydrate intake over 6 to 12 months, and use grouding products and aromatherapy oils.

The exercise video includes beautiful singing by Noriko Hanafusa, owner of Kokoro Yell Salon in Miyakonojo City of Miyazaki Pref, and tuning fork healing as background music. It can be used for wave adjustment of mind and body health maintenance.

Those interested in learning Hiragana Tai Chi can inquire about online lessons.
